“Barbara Rubin & the Exploding NY Underground,” an informative and overdue documentary...
This bold, enthusiastic documentary details the unsung yet important role played by its subject in the 1960s artistic counterculture.
An evocative portrait of a vibrant and mysterious artist.
It’s a riveting tale of an extraordinary, seemingly uncontrollable force, a supremely talented woman dealing with mental illness, a central figure in an artistic movement who was gone too soon.
The Queens teen who inspired Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan and an entire artistic movement.
...pound for pound, minute for minute, there are few biographical documentaries more impressive than this.
A fascinating portrait of a "larger than life" filmmaker and collaborator.
A documentary tells the story of larger-than-life celebrity talent ‘matchmaker’ and muse Barbara Rubin, who spurned the ’60s underground movement, then died young and in seclusion